200 Posts and Counting

You are reading the 200th post on Frictionless.


This isn’t many compared to some online writers and it’s many more than some others.  However, 200 is a nice round figure, so allow me a little time to celebrate this mini-landmark with a few observations.


Observations and Lessons Learned



Writing is challenging at times but also incredibly rewarding.  Writing here has changed my life for the better and led to opportunities that I may never have had.  It has also forged new friendships and connections.  Writing is also a little meditative for me.  A way to make sense of ideas and clear cluttered thoughts.



Initially, when I set up this blog, I knew I wanted to write about simplicity, personal growth, lifestyle design and productivity amongst other areas that interested me.  I wanted to keep the site simple as well.


I have drifted a few times from the original intention of what the blog was/is and along the way it has morphed a little. Some posts are very sparse.  Some are more in depth. Some posts slip into the philosophical and there’s even been room for the odd haiku.   The site still has the same DNA but has developed as part of a natural progression.


The Name

Although I named the site Frictionless Living (inspired by a Leo Babauta post), I definitely don’t live in a bubble.  Frictionless is partly an ideal.  While I do believe strongly we can all use tools and habits to make life simpler and reduce friction, that doesn’t mean I don’t encounter hurdles.  We all do of course.


With this in mind, I have considered renaming the site at times and starting again as something else.  I’m glad I haven’t but that day may still come at some point.


Simple, Not Easy

The irony that a blog rooted in simplicity has 200 posts and counting, and many more to explore, isn’t lost on me.  After all, simplicity at it’s core is about identifying the essential and removing distractions.  Who would think this would lead to so much to write about!


What I’ve found is that the more I’ve deepened my own practice/study of simplicity and living life with focus, the more I’ve found to write about.  A simpler life is a good life in my eyes.


My Favourite Posts

Truth be told, my favourites change, but here is a collection of posts I am very fond of from the last 200.


The Spark Inside Us All

The Lighness of Enough

The Power of Small Pleasures

Success on Our Own Terms

The Tools of Reduction

Absorb What Is Useful

80/20 and What It Means to You

You Can’t Sprint All the Way

One At a Time

The Purity of Simplicity

Choose Your Mindset

Busy – A Problem We Created?

Embrace Your Environment – Simplify Your Fitness and Your Life

A Book of Brilliant Things



Thank You!

Yes you.  Thank you for taking the time to read anything, and everything, you have deemed worthy of your attention here.  I appreciate what a gift it is for anyone to read our words, especially in a modern day, information overloaded culture.  I am grateful for your attention and I also see it a responsibility to try to make what I share, the best and most useful it can be.  I might not always succeed but that’s the plan.


With this in mind, I’d love to hear what you would like to read in future so do reach out and let me know at frictionlessliving@gmail.com.


Now, time to celebrate with some coffee.




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