30 Ways to Get a Lot More Done

Following numbers 23 and 28!
Following numbers 23 and 28!

Productivity is big business these days.  We all seem to want to know how to get more done to make best use of our time.


This blog has its share of methods that can help you in getting more out of your time.  However, I thought it was about time I condensed some ideas into a quick-fire productivity checklist.


Put some, most or all of these into play and you will be more productive than 90% of the people around you.  You’ll surprise yourself with how much you can get done when you put both your mind and the right methods into it.



  1. Get the important done early in your day
  2. Prioritise
  3. Set Limits
  4. Stop procrastinating
  5. Check email less
  6. Use the power of 80/20
  7. Batch non-essential tasks (email, calls etc)
  8. Even better, get rid of the non-essential as much as possible
  9. Purpose your day
  10. Know what your drivers and motivators are
  11. Put your smartphone down and turn it to silent more often
  12. Avoid distractions (learn the power of narrow focus)
  13. Be ruthless with your To Do List – Not everything on your list is: a) important b) needs doing
  14. Get organised
  15. Don’t bite off more than you can chew
  16. Forget multi-tasking, and do just one thing at a time instead
  17. Gossip less
  18. Use the power of Parkinson’s Law and set tighter deadlines
  19. Don’t let others interrupt your flow
  20. Delegate or outsource if and where you can
  21. Focus
  22. Don’t check email first thing in the morning
  23. Stay well hydrated and use (but don’t abuse) caffeine bursts if you drink coffee/tea
  24. Learn how and when to say no
  25. Check social media less
  26. Avoid poorly run meetings that do not meet their objectives
  27. Stop making this excuse
  28. Slip under the radar and don’t always be visible when you really need to get stuff done
  29. Work in focused blocks of time, get something done and then get up, take a break and reward yourself (work/reward/work – repeat)
  30. Embrace unconventional methods to achieve unconventional results




Time should be one our most valued treasures so let us use it wisely.



Frictionless News

I am pleased to say you can find a recent guest post by me on the brilliant Tiny Buddha here for those that may have missed it.



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