A Quest for Less (Words) in an Ocean of More




Birds Sing,

New Day



I am a fan of haiku, the Japanese poetic form.  My very first foray into blogging was haiku inspired with some of my own offerings.


The true masters of haiku can communicate an amazing amount with minimal text.  Proving you don’t need lots of words to truly make an impact.


The more I write myself the more I find myself trying to shed the excess and communicate more simply.  With a flood of information online I think this is more important than ever.


I also enjoy the challenge of trying to communicate a message concisely.  Some of the simplest and shortest posts on this site are the ones I’ve enjoyed writing most.  This is a blog about simplicity at its heart so my posts should be simple after all.


This all leads me to my point.  Frictionless may start to get a little sparser.  Less text but more room for you to think.  Less potential for filler and more concise takeaway points, shared experience and suggested action.


I may even set myself some self-imposed text limits some weeks just for fun.


The aim is not to be lazy with new posts.  Quite the opposite.  Communicating more with less and communicating more simply takes effort (as living more simply does).


The aim is to give you, the reader a richer experience.  More reason to check back in for new posts.  More reason to take action and start down the road of living your own version of a simpler life.


It is of course my sincere hope that you enjoy, and get some value from, what’s ahead as well as what’s already in the archives.


You are always a guest that is very welcome back for another visit.



If this site leaves you wanting more Frictionless musings then you may want to check out my home away from home at the Huffington Post and indeed my books.