Are You Existing or Evolving?


Do you feel like you know all you need to know to get by in life?


Are you in a comfort zone that you’re reluctant to break?


Do you feel excited to start a new day and about the challenges that it may bring?


Are you just trying to get by and exist or are you focused on evolving?


If you have an eye on evolving try some of the following:


1) Learn Something New

Try something completely new.  Get out of your comfort zone and try to pick up a new skill (language, sport etc) or read about a new subject that you know little about.


2) Learn About You

What drives you?  What excites you?  What are you passionate about?  What do you want to do with your life?

Spend time with yourself to learn about yourself.  A little self-inventory is good for us all.


3) Become a Specialist

You may have an existing interest that you want to focus on and try to become a specialist in.  This may be for your own interest only or to support a new business idea.  Either way, it encourages your own personal growth.


4) Don’t Become Too Comfortable

Change is a part of all of our lives so why not embrace it and celebrate the chance to get a different perspective.

This could mean intentionally trying new things (that new coffee shop that’s just opened, a new route to work, getting lost without a map etc) that take you out of your comfort zone.

Get comfortable out of your comfort zone as well as in it!


5) Challenge Yourself

This could be a physical challenge (running a marathon) or a mental/skill challenge (learning a language).  Either way it may help to be specific and set a date to work back from to narrow your focus.  Make it a challenge.


6) Enjoy the Process

Evolving and taking some of the steps above may well be hard work but it should also be an enriching experience.  Enjoy and embrace the challenge and the process of making it happen.

Existing may require less effort but it’s also less fun than a path of constant evolving.