Making Friends with Our Minds


“I make my mind my friend” – Samurai saying



Many of us fight our true inner nature.


We try to be something we are not, something we never will be.  To contort into a version of what we believe we should be, rather than understanding and honouring who we are.


This leads to conflict.  Frustration, anger, despair can follow.  We fight ourselves without understanding why.


We look outside for help in understanding what should be intuitive to us, what once was intuitive to us.


Going Inside

Another path is open to us.  A journey of a different kind.  A journey inside.


This journey means making friends with our minds.  It means understanding our true needs, desires and wants, on a deeper level.


It means recognising both the lightness and darkness in us.  Understanding our triggers, our pain points and frustrations.  Facing them.  Exploring them.


It means seeing the personal strengths we have and leaning into them.  It means working through areas of struggle.


The journey honours self-care.  Before we can look after anyone else, we must learn to look after ourselves.  Physically, mentally and emotionally.


It involves seeking signal through the noise. Choosing to simplify where others chase complexity.  Reconnecting to our true, raw, inner nature. Finding our ‘way’.


It involves finding the stillness in ourselves.


The price of entry is a lifelong commitment to exploring and uncovering.  Making peace with who we are.


When all is said and done, this truth remains.   The answers we so often seek outside, will be found within instead.





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