New Day, New Chapter




Each day offers its own opportunity to start afresh. To start from a blank page. That’s a powerful way to look at a new day.


Let yesterday’s mistakes float away.


Let yesterday’s frustrations be replaced by today’s determination.


Let yesterday’s expectations be replaced by today’s appreciation.


Commit to using more of our precious energy for good.


Commit to making time for the important and saying no to the less important.


Commit to letting go of things and people that suck at our soul.


Commit to making today better.


Commit to being better.


Viewing each day as a chance to start a new chapter can empower us. It can mean we find it easier not to dwell on our mistakes but instead to learn from them and move on. Move on to and write our own next chapters. Travel on a road of our own setting.


How will you use today?




Frictionless News:

You can see a recent interview I did for Arise TV’s culture show, This Day Live where I talk a little about the benefits simplifying and decluttering have made to my life.

With Arise TV Presenter Asha Tanna and a Frictionless Living collage!
With Arise TV Presenter Asha Tanna and a Frictionless Living collage!


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I also write regularly for the Huffington Post and Medium