The Friction-Free Diet


“Eat food.  Not too much. Mostly plants” – Michael Pollan


Much like exercise, eating well has the potential to dramatically increase the quality of our simpler lives.

However, knowing what and when to eat for health can get complicated as we listen to too many voices or take in too many advertisements.  The diet industry and diet experts are full of conflicting advice. It is hard to find reliable sources when it comes to trendy diets. This conflict is friction we could do without when it comes time to decide how we are going to approach our own diets.

To keep things simple try a combination of the following:

– Eat for health and vitality.

– Eat for enjoyment.

– Eat with friends.

– Avoid foods that do not make you feel well.

– Avoid foods you show any degree of intolerance to.

– Base most of your diet on fruits and vegetables (one of the few areas almost all diet experts seem to agree on is the importance of fruits and vegetables).

– If you eat meat, make it organic and hormone free as much as possible.

– No foods need to be avoided forever.

– Source good ingredients.

– Try new recipes at home.

– Create your own signature, healthy dishes you can rely on as staples.

– Eating well doesn’t have to mean eating expensively (although sometimes it can).



Takeaway Steps:

–      In short, eat well



Note: This post is adapted from a chapter in 22 Ways to Simpler Living