Wake Up!! – An Interview with Henri Junttila (Part 2)


If you didn’t catch part 1 of our interview with Henri, then click here and check it out.  That will put some context around who he is and what he does for those that are new to his work.  In part 2 we really get into some specifics about writing/blogging and some other services Henri offers which should help you all out.  Let’s get to it shall we?!



5) Henri, I know you have a new book out (Write Blog Posts Readers Love) which I am reading and is an amazing resource for bloggers and writers alike.  Tell us a little about what prompted the book and give us an overview of what readers can expect.


Write Blog Posts Readers Love

Write Blog Posts Readers Love is what I would’ve wanted when I started my blog back in 2009.

It contains everything I use on a daily basis to write blog posts that my readers love. Writing is how I’ve managed to create the business I have now, and I want to share what I’ve learned.

I’ve also helped quite a few people throughout the years write in a way that gets them results (example: http://www.wakeupcloud.com/11), so I’ve included everything that works in this book.

The book is short and practical. It contains what you need to write blog posts that build an audience. I won’t harp too much about it here, because you can check it out for yourself.

In short, it will help improve your blogging if you apply what you learn in it. I’m proud of it, and the feedback it has gotten so far is fantastic.


6) Are you in danger of giving away all your secrets in the book?

Yes and no, because I give away the tips and techniques that are the most helpful to me (and the people I help). However, I also know that there is endless opportunity to dive deeper into how I do those things.

The more answers I give, the more questions people have, so I’m not afraid of running out of things to say.

So while the book is comprehensive, I could always go into more detail and give more examples. But my goal with all of my books is always to put the best into them. If I give away all my secrets then so be it. My goal is to write the best books possible.


7) A chapter that is resonating with me and I’m sure will with other writers and bloggers is the chapter on the importance of finding and uncovering your writing voice.  Can you talk us through this and some of your own experiences in getting to the point of finding your own voice?

A big obstacle I see is that people use finding their writing voice as an excuse to not write.

What I cover in the book is that you don’t have to find your writing voice. Your writing voice will find you. But you have to write in order for that to happen.

You already have a writing voice. It’s already in you. For example, the sun doesn’t disappear on a cloudy day. It’s still shining, but the clouds have to move on for you to see it (unless you’re above the clouds).

The same is true with your writing voice. It’s always there, but you have thoughts, beliefs, and fears that keep you from writing with confidence.

You don’t have to find your writing voice. You just have to write with confidence and use what you have. As you write more, you’ll improve.

Write from your heart, and forget what other people think.


8) In your opinion, should writers concentrate first on developing their own writing voice and then finding readers or on their target reader first and then their voice?  Does one come before the other or should they just develop organically?

Do what feels best for you.

Do what you can with what you have. If it feels overwhelming to even think about your writing voice, forget about it.

If finding a target reader holds you back from writing, discard it.

What I’m saying is that your priority should be to write. Whatever holds you back from writing can be thrown in the trash.

When you write, and when you take action, everything else comes from that. Your writing voice will develop, and you will uncover your ideal reader.

When I started Wake Up Cloud, I didn’t know who I was writing for. I just wrote about what I felt inspired to write. I didn’t really know what a writing voice was, I just wrote.

The more you can forget what holds you back, the more you can just write.


9) The ‘Stay Motivated’ chapter is also a key chapter.  With so much potential competition out there for writers and bloggers trying to find their way and make themselves heard to a wider audience what are some of the key things we need to do to stay motivated?

Focus on what you want.

The key reason you lose motivation is because you start thinking about what could go wrong.

When you think about how much competition there is out there and how you aren’t good enough, you feel bad, and you lose motivation.

But when you focus on getting that first thank-you email, and reaching you first 1,000 visitors, you feel good.

So guide your thoughts and look at what is going right. Compare yourself to you. Are you making progress? Are you getting better?

There may be a lot of competition, but competition is just a sign that there’s demand in the market you’re writing in. It’s a good thing.

You don’t have to predict the future. You just have to follow your inspiration. Following your inspiration will bring you joy, and joy is what we all want in life.

We do things because we think they will help us feel better, but the secret is that you can feel better right now, and you can live life from that place of joy.

10) You also offer up some other books and services on your site.  What can readers expect to find there?

I have quite a few helpful products and courses that will help you build an online business around what you love. You can read more about them at http://www.wakeupcloud.com/store/

I also have two other books that you might find interesting. They are:

Find Your Passion – This book contains 25 questions that will help you uncover what your passion is. It guides you through finding your own answers, because I believe that we all already have what we need inside, we just have to uncover it. This book is perfect for if you’re confused about what you are interested or passionate in.

Follow Your Heart – This book dives deeper into how to actually live a passionate life. So how do you act on your inspiration and listen to your inner nudges? This book is great if you want 21 tips on how to turn up the joy, inspiration, and happiness in your everyday life.

You can find an overview of my books here: http://www.amazon.com/Henri-Junttila/e/B00DIYBOJ6


11) Great, thanks for taking the time to share some of your thoughts Henri and we wish you well with the new book and indeed Wake Up Cloud in future

Thank you for letting me share my inspiration!


For more on Henri check out:

Site: http://www.wakeupcloud.com/

Ebooks: http://www.amazon.com/Henri-Junttila/e/B00DIYBOJ6