Are You Following the Right Plan?  


“The Wrong Plan, In the Wrong Hands, The Wrong Theory for the Wrong Man”

Wrong (Depeche Mode)


Sometimes we get so caught up in moving that we forget to just pause and ask ourselves whether we’re moving in the right direction.


Getting caught up in what we should be doing rather than what we really want to be doing.


Having a general plan in life is one thing.  Following through on it is another.  However, we also need to make sure that plan remains our plan.


It’s easy to get distracted by what others want from us and lose sight of what we want from us.  This can lead us down the path of following someone else’s plan.  This is not likely to make us feel our best.  It’s certainly not likely to enhance our chances of meeting any goals or achievements we have set for ourselves.


What to Do

If this sounds like you, what do you do?


1) Realign Yourself with What’s Important

Are you focused on what you want from life and what you want to achieve along the way?


Do you revisit this often to ensure your list of wants remains current?


Is your life filled with things and people you are passionate about?


If the answer is no, then you need to realign yourself with your own view of what’s important to you.  This area needs constant attention throughout our lives as it is a moving target and it’s easy to lose sight of.


 2) Know When to Push Back

Unless we tell them, others around us will not always be aware that they are steering or pushing us in a direction we would rather not go.  We have to find a way of letting them know.  Of pushing back and saying no when we need to.


 3) Set Your Inner Compass

Once you have worked on no 1 and got more comfortable with no 2 it’s time to start plotting your course.  We need to set our inner compass for a journey we want to travel.



Not all of us are big planners and that’s fine.  Many ways can work and sometimes too much planning keeps us in the blocks longer than we should be.   However, to reach our goals in life and to live the life that we want we do have to set some sort of course for it.  Make sure that course is the right fit for you



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I also write regularly for the Huffington Post here