Last time we covered whether or not you knew what you were passionate about or whether you had lost sight of this. If you haven’t read part 1 click here.
You’re back on track and are making time for your passion project/s. Life is good. But could it be about to get even better, could you start to earn from your passion?
Passion incomes are all the rage and rightly so, life is precious so best spend our time wisely and invested in things and people that really matter to us. Before we get carried away though let’s be clear, not all of us are going to become millionaires or necessarily get to the point where our passion projects can pay all the bills. However, let’s be even clearer, if you don’t try you’ll never know if it can!
2 Quick-Fire Steps to Making Your Passion an Income Stream
These quick-fire steps can start to get you testing the waters of whether you can start earning from your passion.
1) Help Others
If you are serious about wanting to earn from your passion eventually you need to focus on this relentlessly.
You can help others in person (colleagues, friends etc) or online via a blog or writing online content/articles for other bloggers,
Blogging can start to get you, your message and eventually what you have to sell out there fast. With blogs (such as WordPress) free to start up you really have no excuse. Don’t delay, don’t overthink this too much just start blogging on your passion.
If you can narrow your focus down to a specific niche all the better but if not that may come later. Just start committing to a schedule of writing content on the things you are passionate about and see where it takes you.
If you’re not a writer and not much interested in blogging just focus on helping those around you. Before you know it your friends and friends of friends might start to call on you for help/advice/information on your passion topic. Your circle of influence will grow.
How can you or what you know help others through your passion?
Once you have that figured out you have a gateway to the next step.
2) Sell Information/Services
It’s easier than ever to get information out there. Blogs, social media sites, the internet at large all support getting your message and information out to potential masses. With so much competition, getting attention isn’t necessarily easy but with a little guile, patience and commitment you can start to get your message out there and get electronic information products out that people are willing to pay money for. Maybe you’ll become one of the ever expanding list of infopreneurs earning while you sleep.
Alternatively sell your services/time in real time. I have a very good friend that has a knack of reenergising computers that other people have given up for dead. It’s something he’s passionate about, he likes tinkering and he likes making old new again. Amongst his work colleagues and friends alike he now has a reputation as someone that can fix things. He rarely charges for his time presently but still, the option is there for him should he decide to. He got there by being focussed on his passion and on no 1 above, how he could help others.
So, what’s stopping you getting started on finding out whether your passion project can start earning you some extra spending money or even become a new career venture for you?
Recommended Further Reading:
$100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
Career Renegade by Johnathan Fields