Simpler Ways – The Power of Solitude


Simpler Ways – The Power of Solitude

Note: The following is an excerpt from 22 Ways to Simpler Living.

I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel.” – Audrey Hepburn


We are social creatures at heart.  However, occasional solitude is also important to keep us balanced and at our best.

Seeking Out Quiet Time

For me this often involves early morning walks before the rest of world gets going.  It gives me a chance to let my thinking almost fall into place.  I think with clarity at this time without any interruption and it can often set the scene for the rest of my day.

For you it may of course be something different that works.  Perhaps your quiet time comes at the end of the day, when the chores are done and the children are in bed.  Or perhaps it comes in the middle of the day with a walk in the park to break up the demands of the day.  Perhaps it’s a visit to your favourite bookstore of choice with coffee in hand and smartphone switched to silent.

Whatever works for you make sure you prioritise this time.  Make it special and look forward to it.

Focus on clearing out any cluttered thoughts.

Focus on quietening your mind so your thoughts can become crystal clear.


Action Steps:

–      Make time for some solitude and quiet time

–      Make sure you prioritise this time.  Plan for it and look forward to it.  Make it habit.


For 21 other ‘Ways’ to simplify your life see below:


22 Ways