Echoes – Poetry for the Way (My Latest Book)


My latest book, Echoes – Poetry for the Way , is out now and available to download wherever in the world you order from Amazon.

Download your copy now and read the whole thing or whet your appetite with the overview below.



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In gratitude,




Chapter Excerpt – Prologue & Introduction


From the other side, an echo.


A spark inside, words form.

Finding their way to the white of the page.

Creativity manifests.


Poetry to soothe the soul. 

To awaken dulled senses. 

To stir, the fire within.


Poetry to reconnect.

To reset.

To recalibrate. 


Poetry for the Way.


Let the echo ring louder, for a little longer. 


Seeking answers.  Seeking connection.  The human condition. 


Ahead of you is a collection of poetry written over the course of 18 months, from various corners of the planet. 

On first reading, the work may seem disconnected.  However, if you step back, there is a thread that connects all, beyond the author behind them. 


The thread is that of seeking, of accepting, of being, of living and the search for a way through the ups and downs this life will surely bring for us.  Finding order amongst the disorder.  A search for ‘our way’  


The order of the poems has been considered but not obsessed over.  I encourage you to jump in at whichever point suits you best.  Some poems will resonate more than others. 


Mostly, the aim of this body of work is that it leaves you with something positive, something to consider, and something that makes you pause and reflect on your own journey in life.  Perhaps even gives you inspiration to make a change that will serve that journey. 


I hope you enjoy these poems for the way.



Download your copy now 




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