A Ghost of What Could Be

The life unlived.


Ambitions ignored.


Dreams unrealised.


Unless we chase our goals, unless we pursue our dream achievements, this will be our lives.  A fragment of what could be.   A life less examined.


But to chase our dreams, to live our best lives, to find our best selves – we will need to seek another way. We’ll need courage. We’ll need to cut a path dictated by our own inner enquiry.  We’ll need to listen to what’s inside.  Listening to what calls, to what is pulling at us, to what excites us.  Seeking that which lights us up.


To do this journey justice, the handed down ideals and constructs of others will need eyeing with caution.  Unlikely to take us where we want to get to.  Often taking us further away.  Intuitively, we know this path of least resistance will not get it done.  Bitter experience has proven it so.


And yet it remains the easier option.


We must seek a different path.  Our path.


This is undoubtedly a harder route, there is no map.  We will own our mistakes and missteps, unable and unwilling to blame others.  To do this, we will need to work from inside out.  Listening to our own inner compass, finding the spark inside.


More than all of this, to live true, we must commit to uncover and walk this path of ours.




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