On Finding Joy (Through Giving Back)


“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions”
– Dalai Lama


In pursuit of our own happiness, we can start to focus a little too much inwardly.  The irony is that one of the areas that can provide us with the greatest feelings of satisfaction, achievement and joy, is by focusing externally.


Specifically, by focusing on how we can be of service to, and help, others.


The Debt We Owe

We all have a part to play in making this planet a better place to be, in some small way. We can try to be a positive influence to those around us.


This should be a responsibility we gratefully embrace. A challenge we do our best to meet.  A lifetime’s worth of work and purpose.


How can we repay this debt?


There are too many to name but let’s scratch at the surface:


  • By doing our best to be a better parent/husband/wife/partner/friend.
  • By trying to be a caring son/daughter/brother/sister.
  • By doing our level best to be a positive influence (perhaps even a role model), or mentor, to others.
  • By supporting a good cause/s.
  • By being a better employee.
  • By being a better employer/leader/manager.
  • By being a considerate neighbour.
  • By taking care of, and encouraging, the natural world around us.
  • By reducing our carbon footprint.
  • By accepting and celebrating others for who they are, not trying to force them to contort into who we want them to be.
  • By offering our time and expertise voluntarily.
  • By making a hot meal, or buying a hot drink, for someone that isn’t sure where their next is coming from.
  • By doing our best to smile at adversity.
  • By being less judgmental.
  • By working to be more understanding.
  • By thinking of others.


The simple and powerful truth is this, giving gives back. It can make others feel good and it can make us feel good.


Giving is a debt that we will always owe this life.


Count your blessings, rejoice in what you have.  Aim to give back in some small, but significant way.


Action Steps:

  • Find ways to help others and then get to work
  • Be kind to the planet and to those your share it with
  • Live a life of contribution, focusing on how you can give back and be of service


Note: This post is reworked from one of the chapters (ways) in my book, 22 Ways to Happier.



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