Majoring in Minors

80/20 concepts are littered throughout posts on this site, and amongst my books.


After reading Richard Koch’s work on 80/20, nearly a decade ago – I dug deep on the concept.  It has effected my outlook and thinking ever since.


I credit these books as being paradigm shifters for me personally.  Yes, I was aware of Pareto and 80/20 before this but the books really hammered home the potential power of this principle.  They were exactly what I needed at that moment in my life and had a profound impact.


To this day, the books act as reminders sitting on my bookshelf that I go back to again and again.  Books that get re-read, over and over.  80/20 is that powerful
and Koch’s writing does it the ultimate service.


In short, I see 80/20 as a way of sorting the majors from the minors.  It helps clarify the signal from the noise.  It brings into focus what matters most.


In our busy, distracted and ‘always on’ culture, I believe learning to leverage 80/20 and simplicity in our lives become evermore important. More than that, I believe it becomes necessary.


Leveraging 80/20 (to Simplify and Live Well)

Simplifying our lives is a journey, a journey we will need to commit to over the long haul.  It is not something we fix once.  It is certainly not an overnight fix.  No amount of ‘hacking’ or ‘shortcuts’ will really help us make meaningful change.


What can help us achieve a state of simpler, and less distracted, living is 80/20.  It’s a tool that should always be in our armory. A constant ally.  A lens through which we can view our world.


Mostly, 80/20 can act as a compass that can help us decide what we give our precious attention, focus and energy to.


Commit to major in the majors, simplify where others complicate.  Leverage 80/20 to live with purpose and intent.



Go Deeper:

Living the 80/20 Way (Richard Koch) – any of Richard’s books are well worth making time for but this remains my universal favourite



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