Seeing As Things Are

“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.”

Thich Nhat Hanh


To see a thing as it is, we need to be able to cast aside our own preconceptions.  Cast aside what we think we know. Instead, we observe.


How many of us can do this in real time?  Seeing a situation as new and fresh, not bringing the baggage of our own conditioning, thinking and past experiences to it.


How many of us can see without judgment?


How many of us can experience life fully and presently?


How many of us are attuned to our ‘beginner’s mind‘?


How many of us are truly in this moment?  Living it fully for the first time. Knowing this moment is it’s own moment.  Knowing our lives are strung together by these moments.  Committing to make all these moments the best they can be.



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