The Journey


“Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home” – Basho



Challenges, achievements, and heartache.


Ups and downs.


The thrill of having our hand raised in victory.  The disappointment felt from coming up short.


This is what it is to live.  To experience life is to walk through the fire, as well as walking through fields full of flowers.


Life will offer us beautiful and inspirational moments.  It will also be littered with darker and harder times.


This is the journey we are all on.


We can embrace this journey.  Acknowledging the tough times will come.  Knowing we will never have all the answers.  Knowing we will take wrong turns.


We can try to navigate life the best way we know how.  Doing our best to give our best.


We can take full ownership of own journey.  Listening to our internal compass.


We can commit to be the best traveller we can be, taking the rough with the smooth.  Letting go of what we need to.  Appreciating what is.


We can develop and refine our own outlook.  Leveraging habits, tools and the experience of others.


We can craft a mindset that focuses on the positive, on opportunity.  We can stand up to our fear, procrastination, and excuses.  We can face our demons.


We can commit to take a leap of faith forwards.  Trying to craft the best life we can by living intentionally and mindfully.


Whatever choices we make, this is our journey.



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