The Obstacles Will Always Be There


The reasons not to are never hard to find.


The hurdles, the challenges, the obstacles – all will be ever present.  Excuses we can utilise, to stay frozen in the blocks a little longer.


Sometimes we just have to begin anyway.


Almost anything worthwhile in our lives will be hard at times.  Tasks, goals, chasing dreams, relationships.  None will be a totally smooth ride.   The path will be littered with challenges – internally and externally.


Embrace the Uncertainty

We can decide to embrace and appreciate the journey for its own sake.  Less focus on the outcomes we hope for, and instead, simply committing ourselves to the process.  Turning up again and again, whether it feels easy or hard.  The journey is where we expect to spend a part of ourselves.  Where we work towards our goals, where we earn our own prizes.


The obstacles will always be there but we can decide to put one foot in front of the other and make progress.  Slow or fast, progress is progress.  At times, we may hit plateaus and what feel like dead ends.  We can do our best to move beyond these, to stay committed to thoughtful, forward motion.


We can buckle up for our own journeys in life.  Trying to make them ones of our choosing, so we can invest ourselves fully and completely.  Committing to enjoying the journey for its own sake, knowing it brings its own rewards and lessons, if we choose to listen.  As we reach and achieve goals and outcomes we wish for, we can make time to celebrate these fully and then commit to the next journey.


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