We Are All a Work in Progress

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop”.

– Confucius



The ‘gurus’ have lied to you, they’ve also lied to themselves.  They do not know it all.  Never have, never will.


The con is on them, as well as us.


We are all works in progress.


We are all trying to find our way, a step at a time.  Sometimes those steps feel like a meaningful stride forward, other times we’ll slip and fall.  Sometimes we don’t feel like we’re moving at all.


The overnight transformations are mostly a lie.  A marketer’s creation to sell you something you can probably do without.  Move at a pace that suits you instead.


We may know some stuff.  We may even know a whole lot about some stuff.  But, to be clear, we’ll never know it all.  No need to feel the pressure of pretending we do.


Many of us are searching for ‘perfect’.  While leveraging this mythical state as a guiding star to shoot at can be used as a positive, let’s not kid ourselves we can ever truly achieve perfection.  There will always be something to work on, something to tinker with.  That should be viewed as a positive.  A reason to keep on trying hard and applying ourselves.


Perfect Moments

What we may experience are moments that feel perfect to us.   These moments should be treasured.  If we slow down just long enough to notice, we may find these ‘perfect’ moments in the every day.


While striving hard has a place, let’s also be kind to ourselves on our journeys.  Let’s recognise how far we have come, let’s celebrate our successes, let’s embrace our own achievements.


Let us realise fully and wholly, we are works in progress just like everyone else.  Let the truth set us free.



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