Empty Your Cup

“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, subtract every day”
– Lao Tzu


The Zen mindset encourages a parking of our own baggage.


The baggage could be our own pre-conceptions of what is.  The baggage could also be negative energy, expectations or just about anything else.


To empty our cups means a clearing of the decks.  We cultivate an attitude of openness. Freeing our minds of habitual behaviour, past dealings, ideals and set patterns.  Looking at life afresh.  Wiping the slate clean.


To approach each conversation with an open mind.  To approach each day as the fresh start it is.  Unburdened by what happened yesterday.


Easy to say, hard to do.  Literally a lifetime’s work.


To live freely we must learn to be free.  To be free, we need to know when it’s time to empty our cup.





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