Curated Realities


The sunrise on the beach shots.


Cocktails at dusk.


Big smiles, no stress.


Doing what we want, when we want.


A Perfectly Curated Life? 

This is the world so many of us try hard to project online.  The life and ideal we absorb, from others.


Of course, no one’s life is like this.  We have glimpses of these moments but none of us live all our days like this.


That said, the idea of this mythical eutopia is now so prevalent in our society that we can all be guilty of swallowing the snake oil pitch whole.


The curated images become ever more curated but seemingly beautiful.  The rhetoric becomes ever more convincing and compelling.


The self proclaimed ‘gurus’ become ever more persuasive and seemingly self-assured.


At what cost?


Are we happier seeing these works of fantasy?  Are we more inspired?


Or, are we comparing our real lives to these manufactured snippets and feeling dejected?  Are we feeling like we don’t have enough of what we need?


Are we feeling we need more?  Are we feeling we need different?  Are we feeling like we need to be ‘better’?


In this hyper-connected culture we have created, are we actually more or less connected than we once were?


The reality is the perfect moments only seem perfect because they are moments.  If our lives were sunshine and light all the time, that would be our baseline of normal.  It would all fade to beige.


See the online pantomime for what it is, a curated fantasy.  Be inspired, try to inspire and leave light in the world, but also be human.


Life is life, we are not defined by our social media image.


Curate your own reality and live it as well as you can.



*This is reminder to me as much as the reader, I’m as guilty of sharing the sunset/sunshine life just as much as you when online. I’m trying to do better.



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