Let the Flame Burn

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”

– Rumi



Your inner spark can become a flame.  But it needs cultivating.


To support this manifestation, we can leverage the external.


Seeking out inputs that encourage us.  Books, podcasts, interviews.  We can identify people that inspire us.


We can invest ourselves in positive relationships with people that support us and want us to do well.  We can actively seek out people that can act as guides or mentors.  Others that have travelled a path we also wish to travel.


We can seek environments that bring out the best in us.  We can make our environment a positive one.


We can stand up to our inner critic.  Stare it down.  Refusing to let it distract us any longer.


We can be kind to ourselves when we need to.  We can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off when we need that.  And other times, we can give ourselves a firm push forward, if we have spent too long licking our wounds.


We can set ourselves up to be our best selves.


We can set ourselves up to succeed.  We can define what that success looks like.


We can let our own flames burn bright.





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