On Negative Energy

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”  – Buddha


Negativity.  Get rid of it.


Reduce the external sources of negative energy in your life.  Negative ‘news’, negative people.  Work hard to eradicate as much as possible.  Most are toxic.  They will erode our own positivity.  They will drain us.  Our life will be better without.


Reduce internal conflict.


Learn to quieten that nagging inner-critic.  Lose the self-loathing, ‘never being good enough’ mindset.  Commit to kinder and more compassionate inner talk.  Leverage habits that serve this direction.


Turn negativity into something positive.


Hear the people that tell you ‘you can’t’ and then go about proving them wrong.  Let the words of critics and naysayers fuel you doubling your effort and resolve to do things your way.  Be a doer, live life actively.  Choose the light.


As trite as it might sound, the truth of the matter is, life is too short for negative energy.  It will not serve us.  We will do our best, and we will be our best, if we eradicate it.




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