The Power Within

“There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”

– Miyamoto Musashi


There is power and deep wisdom in each of us.  However, modern life distracts us from this truth.  It sells us on the ideal that what we seek is outside of ourselves.


More stuff, more achievement, more courses, more qualifications, more books, more tasks, more spending.  More of more.


Or the related call to chase the shiny, bright and ‘new’.  Newmania.


This external bias and social conditioning has meant many of us have lost our ability to tune into what is inside.  To tap into the power within.


We follow the well-worn path others tell us we ‘should’ follow. We are left unfulfilled.


We fill our homes with stuff we don’t need and will hardly use.  And slowly the ‘more’ we were sold would solve our problems becomes clutter we now need to be rid of.


We chase the next new and the next and the next.  Without getting much closer to our actual goals.


And around we go!


The truth, this path will never serve us.  It’s full of empty promise.


The answers we seek lie inside.


We just need to reconnect to our inner truth.  Reconnect with our inner compass.  Recalibrate.


We must tap into what lies inside.  We must honour what lies inside.



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