The Quieter Arts

“Life isn’t a hundred-meter race against your friends, but a lifelong marathon against yourself”

Haemin Sunim



Calm. Space. Reflection. Resetting. Gratitude. Pausing. Being of service.


What do they all have in common?


They are part of a collective I call the quieter arts.


The quieter arts operate on a different frequency to the bombastic narrative of our times. Not as catchy as ‘Go Hard or Go Home’, ‘busy’, ‘bigger’ or ‘more’ perhaps
but fully deserving of our attention, all the same.


To be clear, we cannot let these quieter arts become lost arts. If we do, we suffer. Our output will suffer and ultimately, our health, wellbeing and
happiness will also begin to suffer. Our inner spark will dull.


Some of our biggest breakthroughs, greatest successes and finest moments will come via these quieter arts. They will support us feeling and being our best.


Our lives need contrast. For every big push, there needs to be time to reset. For every peak, there will come a plateau and eventual trailing off. Busy also needs
unbusy. Successes should be savoured as well as chased. Taking should be balanced with actively giving.


Make space for the quieter arts.



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