Rain Falls, Wind Blows


“The sound of rain needs no translation” – Alan Watts



There is a clarity many of us seek.  We see glimpses of it all around.


We see it in nature, we see it in other people.  We see it in the artist working on her painting. We see it in the craftsman, shaping his latest offering.


It’s pure.  It doesn’t need explaining, it just is.


A quiet sense of purpose.  Deep focus.  Total absorption.  Full investment.


Tapping into this state is challenging.  Perhaps more challenging than it’s ever been.  There is so much noise fighting for our attention.  So many potential distractions just waiting to invade our headspace.


However, if we are committed, we can find a way.  We can embrace habits and tools that keep us aligned to what is most important to us.  We can dig deeper.  We can purpose our time.  We can focus.


We can be like the rain falling or the wind blowing.



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