Facing Resistance


The resistance is real.  We all feel it.


Let’s not be fooled into thinking anyone is immune.


Even the people we perceive to be successful, those we admire most, those that do great deeds, deal with resistance.  This friction takes on different guises, but it is universal.


How we deal with it will define us.  It will shape our lives.


To achieve goals that are meaningful to us, to make positive changes inside and out, we need to find a way to combat it.  Find a way to face it down.


The painter must see her picture, within the blank canvas.


The musician must seek the right notes, in the right combination, and play.


The writer must stare down the white of the page and write.


There are many reasons not to try, not to start.  Many voices inside telling us ‘we are not good enough’.  Many critics outside, waiting to criticise any, and all, efforts.


We must stand up and be counted regardless.  Committed to putting our skin firmly in the game.   Committed to facing the resistance.


Stare down the resistance, acknowledge it but refuse to be a slave to it.





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