Revisiting Slow Living

“It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things – the more beautiful the more slowly.”

– Atticus


Too much of our lives are spent rushing.


We’re busy, but where is busy getting us?


A stress pandemic is prevalent in our high-cortisol, highly charged, fast paced modern world.


We wear the signs of stress as a peculiar badge of honour. Seeing them as part of the ‘hussle culture’ we have signed up to.


But is the race we are running one we can ever win? And what’s the cost attached to those ‘wins’? What price are we paying for all this busyness?


We’re overloaded with incoming.


Our inboxes creak at the seams.


Our task lists and diaries are overworked.


In this ‘everything is urgent’ culture, we lose touch with our true priorities.


We attempt to spread our efforts ever wider, but rarely scrape the surface of something deeper.


We keep on spinning the plates but the plates keep coming.


The simple but painful truth, we’ve lost touch with the signal through so much noise.


A Road Less Traveled

There is another way.


We can slow down.


We can say yes to less.


We can take on less.


We can consume less.


Not less for the sake of less, but the right kind of less that will bring us closer to what matters most. Quality over quantity.


We can leave some white space in our lives.


We can focus on one task at a time, one project at a time, one conversation at a time. We can breathe.


We can liberate ourselves from life on a treadmill.


We can walk with simplicity.


We can leverage the timeless wisdom in just slowing down.



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