Signal & Noise


Our environment will often shape our outlook.


External inputs (what we let in), so often influences our own output.


What does this mean?


If we ingest negativity, it will be harder for us to stay positive.


If we surround ourselves with people that are forever dissatisfied, it will be challenging for us to see the joy and beauty, in the everyday.


If all we hear is fear-based thinking, it will be hard for us to keep our own thoughts clear.


If all we focus on is what we can get, we will be less focused on what we can give.


There is a lot of noise to navigate in the world.  It’s getting noisier.


But there is also signal amongst the noise.


The signal is light.  The signal gives.  It fills us with positivity.  It inspires.  It encourages.   It leads to growth.  It enriches.


We can find ways to reduce the noise, to cut it out, so we can focus on the signal instead.


Choose the signal.  Embrace the signal.  Be part of the signal.





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