

Many of us have big goals we wish to achieve.  Sometimes these goals are far from where we are now.  So far away that they feel overwhelming.   We have no idea where to start.


If that sounds like you, break the big goal down into smaller steps.


Set yourself a monthly goal, a yearly goal and a someday goal. Let one feed into the other.


The bigger the goal, invariably the longer it will take.  With this in mind, we can set that as our someday goal.  Then we can chunk the goal down into component parts that become our weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly goals.


Each step leads to another.


We break the journey down, we stay committed to our path.  Yes, there may be the odd wrong turn and failed experiment along the way but, if we do this, eventually our big goal will be in sight.


Forget the magic tricks and hacks.  Your biggest goals will take time.  They will take energy and focus.  That’s a good thing, because when you reach the top of your mountains you’ll feel the exhilaration of a job well done.  That all starts by taking one small step at time.


Embrace the process, break your goals down so someday becomes one day.





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