Still Waters Run Deep

“There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”
Susan Cain


Respect the quiet folk.


Instead of beating their chests, stamping their feet and letting everyone know their opinions, these people are often doing the real thinking in the room.


Focused less on talking about what they are going to do, they are more interested in just getting on and doing it.


These quieter types can often be the creatives.  The artists.  The craftspeople.  They can turn out to be the real change makers.


Quiet people know that most communication is about listening.  That means making space for not talking.


The quiet ones are not always the shy ones.  It is a myth that all quiet people are introverted, not even close.  They may just need time away from connecting with the outside world, to connect with what’s inside.


Quiet people need space to think, reflect and reset.  They may need more of that time than someone else needs but that’s okay.  We are humans, not robots coming off a factory line.


The wiser we become ourselves, the more we may choose to listen.  Listening means knowing when to talk and when not to talk.  And time spent talking means less time spent thinking.


Respect quiet.  Still waters can indeed run deep.



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