
“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha


The waves crashing into the shore and then retreating to the ocean.


A deep inhale and longer exhale.


The flutter of a butterfly’s wings.


The busy traffic passing us by.


Vibrations surround us.


We are living vibrations ourselves. But we also transmit vibrations outward through energy we put into the world.


The way we turn up for others.


How we choose to contribute to society.


Whether we choose to engage in toxic gossip or not.


How we choose to be of service.


Our code of conduct.


Each are examples of how we can influence what vibration we are putting forth.


Each are a chance for us to put something positive into the world.




News: In case you missed it, this guest post recently went live on Tiny Buddha.  It’s deeply personal but has an important message to share.  


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