Quiet Surrenders


Not speaking our minds.


Letting others walk over our feelings, but still refusing to set boundaries with them.


Letting another injustice slide by us.


These quiet surrenders may seem like the path of least conflict, but they can also cost us.


They stay with us if we do not detach ourselves fully.  Feelings we try to bury build as unresolved tension inside us.  They can start to weigh us down mentally, physically and emotionally.


Trying to suppress our feelings is not always a healthy space to be.


So, what to do?


We must find a way to set our own healthy boundaries with others.  We can let them know if, when and how they overstep those boundaries.


We can let them know in a polite but firm way; this is not okay.


If we do decide to let something slide, we must detach from it fully, not just pretend to let it slide.  Compromise is important at times.  Our way is not the only way.


We must be honest with ourselves by connecting to our feelings.  By being in tune with them.  Embracing them.  Breathing through them.


We must try to understand our true nature.  Connecting to our own inner compass.  So we can liberate ourselves.


Is this easy?  Not even close.  We’re talking about a lifetime’s worth of work.


But we’ve tried the other way and it has proved not to serve us well.  So we must commit to groove new patterns, build new habits and establish fresh behaviour that may serve us better.



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