Rolling Clouds

Clouds move.


The light of day eventually gives way to darkness.


After the coldest of Winters, comes new life in Spring.


Calm follows a storm.


Sunrises follow sunsets.


The Natural Cycles of Life
Nature, and life, move in cycles. Some frequent, some infrequent. Some obvious, some more subtle. Everything has it’s time.  No judgement.


As a species, we often fight these natural cycles.


We seek out electronic light, when darkness comes.


We fight tiredness with stimulants.  We dull pain with pills and alcohol.


We take on ever more, even though we’re already stressed. Our bodies and minds crave a reset but we press on regardless.


We blame others, when we know we’re at fault.


We buy more, even though we already have enough and our bank accounts are depleted.


Where is this getting us?


Is it making us or breaking us?


Is forcing everything, the way to get a everything done?


Does fighting the natural cycle of things always make sense?


Change comes, to everything. Cycles are a natural part of all our lives. We can fight them, or make peace with them.


Nevertheless, clouds move.


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