
“Listen to the voice within yourself.” Dōgen Zenji


Too many of us find ourselves on a path of someone else’s making.


A path that is not aligned with where we want to be, where we want to go, or who we want to be.


A path that is not ours, in any shape or form.  A path that never will be.


We live in constructs, set by someone else’s handed down ideas, ideals and vision.  Rarely taking the time to question the validity of these constructs.


Rarely questioning whether this is the only way life can be lived.



A Road Less Travelled

But, the truth is, this way is not the only way.


We can break out of self-imposed shackles.


We can remove ourselves from externally set constructs.


We can shape and groove our own constructs instead.


We can set ourselves free.  We can live life our way.






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