Evolution through Reduction


The right sort of less can bring clarity to our lives.


Whilst our culture speculates that we all need more (of more), in reality what matters most is on a short list.  A very short list.


Instead of following the masses in ever decreasing circles of consumption, we can commit to a path of less.


We can say yes to less.


We can focus our effort. Digging deeper on subjects that call to us, instead of spreading our efforts wide on ‘random acts of variety’.


We can leave the margins, buffer and white space in our days.


We can strip away the distractions in our lives to focus on what, and who, matters most to us.


We can leave space to breathe, to consider, to recaliberate, to reset.


To strip away, to reduce, to streamline.


The simple truth is, to live more we may realise we need less.




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