The Courage to Evolve

“Since life is an ever-evolving process, one should flow in this process and discover how to actualize and expand” – Bruce Lee


It’s easy to stay in a loop of same behaviour.


There’s a comfort in well-worn routines.


It’s easy to react the way we always have to something new.


There’s a certain type of unity that can be found in following the herd, even if they are going somewhere we’d rather not.


But do you have the courage to challenge yourself to think bigger, to do better, to be better?


Do you have the courage to leave set patterns behind?


Do you have the courage to live in alignment with your goals and beliefs?  Not just say it, but really live your version of an authentic life.


Do you have the courage and resilience to love those that mean the most to you, through thick and thin?  Through the good times and the bad.


Do you have the courage to confront yourself? To ask yourself the tough questions.


Do you have the courage and conviction to think independently? To leave social conditioning behind and draw your own conclusions.


Do you have the courage to show up and be accountable for the choices you make in your life?


Do you have the courage to evolve?


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