Finding Our Path – A New Way

“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.”

— Confucius


Regret, envy, fear, comparisons, keeping up with keeping up.  A waste of precious energy.  A waste of a precious life.


Why do so many of us choose to stay on this route to guaranteed unhappiness and dissatisfaction?  Bound by shackles of our own making.  Caught in a twisted cycle of discontent.  Tormented by our own willingness to stay in what clearly does not serve us.


Better to choose another way.  Better to dwell in the quieter arts.  Gratitude, being of service, compassion, giving back.


Preparing mind and body for challenges still to meet.


Embracing the process, living the moment, giving our best.


Sifting through the noise, to uncover the signal.


Living mindfully.  Undistracted.  Quiet focus.  Inner calm.  Inner peace. Stillness.


This path is available to all of us but it takes a rare commitment.  It requires a laser focus on that which matters most.  It requires us to disengage from herd mentality and seek a path of inner enquiry instead.


Follow your inner light, the spark inside.  Seek your own path, your own way.





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