To Walk Through the Fire

“You ought to know how to rise above the trivialities of life, in which most people are found drowning themselves.” – 

D.T. Suzuki




To dare where others dare not.


To bare ourselves.


To face the critics and the naysayers, to stare them down.


To fight the noble battle.  To let the world know what we will, and will not, stand for.


To face adversity.  To be knocked down, to get up and dust ourselves off.


To face our inner most demons.  To lose our way but determine to find a way back from the darkness.  To choose the light, to chase the light, to be the light.


To taste defeat, disappointment and loss but refuse to be defined by them.


To honour, accept and celebrate who we truly are, not just contort into a version of someone others want us to be.


To be the one in the ring of life, coming out of our corner with all we have.


To give the best of ourselves.  To leave the best of ourselves in the world.  To contribute without expectation of what we get back.  To know we owe this world something.


To walk through the fire.




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