Blinded by Light

“If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything.”
― Miyamoto Musashi



Access gratitude, spend time with it daily.  Think of all the things you are grateful for.  Feel the gratitude fully, let it wash over you.


Smile.  Make space for people and things in your life that bring you joy.


Establish a movement practice that makes mind and body feel good.  Stretch what is tight, strengthen what is weak.


Seek out activities that you enjoy.  Seek out challenges you find meaning in.  Make time for a hobby that enriches your life.


Experiment with various forms of self-care.  Meditation, massage, a long walk, a soak in the bath, a breathing practice.  It all counts.  Find what works for you best, establish and personalise your own self-care practice.


Appreciate the small but powerful moments of magic in the everyday.  The first signs of Spring.  An early morning walk before the rest of the world wakes.  The first coffee of the day.  Flowers coming into bloom.


Seek out books, music and information that inspires you.


Celebrate your successes, big and small.  Notice and appreciate good fortune, when it comes your way.


Let good feelings flow.  Let the light come out.



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