Freedom through Zen


“If there is anything Zen strongly emphasizes it is the attainment of freedom; that is, freedom from all unnatural encumbrances.” – D.T. Suzuki



Searching for answers, that remain out of reach.

Seeking, that which can never be found.


Surrounded by people but feeling lonely inside.

Alone but nourished by the spark inside.


Life is one curious puzzle for us all.  A puzzle that will have pieces that forever feel out of place.  This is the way it is.


Zen teaches us to accept the way it is.


To let go of grasping.


To let go of seeking to control that which can never be controlled.


To stop searching, so we can find.


To stop striving, so we can be.


To flow.  To release.  To live.


To embrace the freedom already within.




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