What Minimalism Is, What It Isn’t

 “Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom”.The Minimalists


There has been a lot of interest in minimalism in the past few years.  There has been a groundswell of books, blogs, films all dedicated to the concept.  To use the language of our time, it has been on trend.


Decluttering, inbox zero and other such phrases have entered every day dialogue as many of us seek to simplify our hectic lives.  This has led to some confusion about what minimalism is and isn’t.   Let’s try to fix some of that.


Minimalism isn’t:

  • New
  • Living with 25 items (or some other arbitrary number you care to mention)
  • Having to give up all our worldly possessions
  • Living out of a backpack
  • Living with one bowl
  • A fad
  • A religion
  • Something mythical or magical (although the benefits can feel a little magical at times)
  • What some online ‘guru’ or expert says it is



Minimalism Is:

A tool we can leverage to:

  • Live intentionally
  • Create space and freedom in our lives
  • Reduce consumption
  • Reduce stress
  • Live well


We can adopt a version of minimalism that is our own.  We don’t have to run it past anyone else to find out if we are minimalist enough. We can be inspired by others without trying to clone them.  We don’t even have to label it, we can just adopt some of the core principles and we’ll reap all the benefits, without any of the fuss.


Forget the labels but not the concept.  Minimalism is here to stay and can help us all, whatever we wish to call it and however we wish to implement it.



Note: I am very aware of the potential irony of writing a piece on what something is and isn’t and then listing my own views of what it is and isn’t.  However, I hope this article resonates with some of you, particularly those of you that may feel you are not minimalist enough.  Make it your own.


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