Uncovering Life’s Sweet Spots

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

The first coffee of the day.


A walk in the park with a loved one (or solo).


Our child’s first words.


The smell of freshly cut grass on a Summer’s morning.


The first signs of ducklings, and new life, in Spring.


The falling leaves and colours of Autumn.


Finally taking that dream trip we’ve promised ourselves.


Life’s sweet spots are all around us.  If we just take the time to notice them.


Too Busy to Notice What Matters Most

The irony of life is that many of us end up being so busy working hard to make our magic moments happen, that we forget to notice and enjoy them along the way. Not all of life’s most magical moments are big fanfare occasions.  In fact, many of the greatest pleasures in life can be found in the small, everyday moments that we often take for granted.


Uncover life’s sweet spots.  Make time to enjoy them, each and every day.



News:I was fortunate enough to have another guest piece shared on one of my favourite sites, Tiny Buddha recently.  You can find it here.


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