Seeking the Light: Essays for the Way (My Latest Book)




My latest book, Seeking the Light : Essays for the Way, is out now.


This project changed path from my original conception due to some personal circumstances and challenges during the writing.  It also took longer to complete than anticipated.  That said, I believe the book is better for that experience.


Download your copy now and read the whole thing or whet your appetite with the overview below.




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Any sharing and support of the book is much appreciated.  Reviews also help others find my work, so please take the time to leave one if you like what you read (or have enjoyed any of my others).


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In gratitude,





Introduction – ‘Seeking the Light – Essays for the Way’


The light. The darkness. The in between.

We all walk paths that cross each. We have elements of each inside us.

Leveraging the Light

A powerful force we can all learn to wield in our lives is lightness. That’s what this book is about. Seeking the light.

But to step into the light, to learn to leverage the light, we must also face up to the existence of darkness. Exploring each, understanding each, will help us understand ourselves and the world more fully.

What follows is a dip into the shadows, the darkness and finally into the light. An exploration of each and why they all have a place in our lives.

Some essays end with proposed follow on steps so the reader can put what you read to test. More of the book is left open ended, with space for you to draw your own conclusions.

Mostly what follows is offered from someone that believes life is a journey. A journey that will take many forms and be filled with challenges, failures, triumphs, loss, love and more.

Let this journey begin. Let us seek the light.



Download your copy now to read on.



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