Seeking Stillness


“In stillness the muddied water returns to clarity” – Lao Tzu



Inner calm. Inner peace. States we all seek but ones that are so hard to come by, in our busy lives.


Distractions abound.  From inside ourselves and from the outside world.  The wants and needs of others can push us in one direction.  Our internal self can push us in another.  As this happens, we can feel conflicted.  Unsettled even.


Seeking Still Moments
To find stillness we must first seek it.  As part of this seeking process, we can identify moments in our own lives that give us that feeling of inner stillness.  For all of us, the answers will be different.


For some it could be getting up as the sun rises and taking a moment to embrace the start of another day.


For others, a long walk and time with nature may be calling to us louder.


A formal meditation practice has proven to be a powerful tool for many and used for as long as humans have walked the earth.  With science now also backing up the benefits of a regular meditative practice.


For others, a less formal way of achieving some of these meditation benefits may prove to be a better answer.


These moments of stillness can be small or big.  We can link them together, or use several in isolation throughout the day.  Many ways work, what’s important is we pick ones that work for us.


As we inject these moments of still into our days, we can reflect on how they make us feel.  As we do so, we may be encouraged to make more time for them.  To develop more and more personalised moments.  To establish a practice that serves us personally and also those we seek to serve.


Seek stillness.  Be stillness.




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