Living Leaner


At what point is ‘comfortable’ too much comfort in our lives?


At what point does enough turn into too much?


As we lean into our everyday routines we can become blinkered and lazy in our thinking.  Only seeing what’s in front of us, through the distorted view of our own prejudices.  Caught up in the busyness, noise and distraction of our daily lives.


Yes we’re busy, but do we need to be?


Yes there is lots to do, but does it all need doing?


Yes, it can be hard to make decisions, but is that because we just have too many choices?


Yes we’re stressed but what are we doing to get unstressed?


Yes, we have time to care for others but what are we doing to care for ourselves?


Living Lean
What if we were to live leaner?


What if we streamlined our ‘needs’ and wants?


What if we stripped back the decisions we needed to make?


What if we harnessed and protected the white space in our lives?


What if we left some buffer and margin in our day?


Would our senses sharpen?


Would our mind focus on what matters most, rather than chasing the ‘trivial many’?


Would we dig deeper, rather than trying to spread ourselves always wider?


Would leaner mean lighter?


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