Finding the Silence in What We Do


“The practice is to find silence in all the activities you do.” — Thich Nhat Hanh


Silence.  Stillness.  Calm.  Peace. Focus.


These are challenging states to connect with, in our ‘always on’ culture.


Instead, busyness, distraction, stress, and the endless pursuit of more, are often what we find our days filled with.


We can redress the balance.


We can seek out opportunities for calm in our days.  We can protect the white space.  We can bring a quiet focus to our time.  We can busy ourselves only with the things that matter most to us, and those we care about and serve.


We can choose to say no, so we can say yes to what is left, with all our energy.


We can spend time unplugged from the outside world, so we can reconnect with the world inside.


We can find the silence in what we do.


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