Is it True?

“The real meditation is how you live your life.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Is it true?

Is it kind?

Does it come from a good place?

Is it constructive?


If not, maybe it doesn’t need saying. 


Does it help someone we love?

Is it an act of kindness (for someone we know or perhaps someone we don’t know)?

Does it get us closer to a goal?

Does it have to be done?


If not, maybe it doesn’t need doing.


Life is full of choices.  Choices we can make actively.  These choices are what ends up filling our days.  They influence where we end up investing our finite time and energy.


If we take part in toxic gossip, that will be our ‘reality’.


If we compare and never think we have enough or are enough; that becomes our life.


Or, we can choose to share our light instead.  The world can always stand to have more light in it.



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