Be a Warrior of Light

“The warrior keeps going” Shi Heng Yi


The inner critic screams out loud.

The reasons ‘not to’, are easy to find.

But the warrior keeps moving forwards.


The challenges are ever present.

Some hurdles are hard to see past.

But the warrior keeps moving forwards.


To struggle is hard.

To be true to our path, takes commitment.

But the warrior keeps moving forwards.


The Darkness is there to tempt us.

The Darkness will corrupt us, swallowing us whole.

But the warrior keeps moving forwards.


Getting knocked down hurts.

Failing and coming up short bruises the Ego.

But the warrior gets up and keeps moving forwards.


The Warrior’s heart is pure.

The Warrior’s focus is resolute.

The Warrior flows with the challenges that life brings.


The Warrior is tapped into a higher purpose.

The Warrior will move forward.

Awaken the Warrior within you.  Awaken your own Warrior of Light.




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