Tapping Zen Nature

“Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.”

Shunryu Suzuki


Tend to what is in front of you, with full attention.


Give the task you are doing, undivided focus.


Offer the person you’re with, the gift of your presence.


Remove distractions. Simplify.


Clear your mind of clutter.  Unplug.  Let thoughts rise, then watch them float away.


Breathe in, deeply and slowly.  Hold.  Breathe out even more slowly. Repeat.  Feel the natural reset this simple action brings.


Take in your surroundings.  Enjoy where you are.


Slow down.  Leave space around your day.  Leave buffers around your life.


Let go of expectations. Let go of attachments.  Appreciate what is.


Be with this moment.  Live your journey.


Reconnect with the wonder in the everyday.  Embrace the small pleasures.


Tap into your own Zen nature.


Just do.


Just be.


Just live.




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